The Far Side®

The Daily Dose

Selections of classic The Far Side comics, updated daily

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

“Norm? This is Mitch. ... You were right—I found my drill.”
“Python … and he’s home.”
“I said his head, you idiots! Bring me the cur’s head!
There's Harriet Miller Waving to us... HELLO, HARRIET!.. Boy, has her place dried up and gone to hell.
Dung beetle neighborhoods
Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa / ACME INSECTICIDE INC

Comic Collections

the far side comic collections titled ' hands off my bunsen burner' Hands Off My Bunsen Burner

Science and scientists: the nature of humor among those who study nature.

the far side comic collections titled 'gravity is always lurking' Gravity Is Always Lurking

Trips, tumbles, and stumbles—and the chaos left behind.