The Far Side®

The Daily Dose

Selections of classic The Far Side comics, updated daily

Monday, December 9, 2024

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him walk on it!
“Say, Anthony, this looks like a pleasant little place.”
Yes, that is correct, Redbeard -- the last one is more proper. … Why don’t we all try saying it together? 1. Bucket of spaghetti 2. Bucket of lymph 3. Bucket of blood yo-ho-ho I will keel-haul him sub predicate obj
Pirate school
Institute for The Study of Emotional Stress / Hey... I fell better already.
Can O' Worms
Bird cellars

Comic Collections

History Shmistory History Shmistory

The Far Side delves into historic events, places, and famous dead people.

Be Afraid! Be Slightly Afraid! Be Afraid! Be Slightly Afraid!

Aliens, strange creatures, and things that go bump in the night. Actually, during the day, too.